What is the URN?
- This is a unique number assigned to all Avar clients.
- This will be given to you from the outset and will be used in all correspondence.
- The URN is assigned for both Organisations and Individuals.
How is it Formed?
- The URN is a 6 digit alphanumeric combination.
- For Organisations, the URN is formed by using the first three letters of the company name followed by three digits.
- E.g. For Joe Bloggs Ltd the URN will be “JOE001” or “JOE002” if the former is already in use by another client.
- For Individuals, the URN is formed by using the first three letters of the last name followed by three digits.
- E.g. For James Bond the URN will be “BON001” or “BON002” if the former is already in use by another client.
Why is it Important
- This is a unique identifier and is applied across all systems, software, databases, files and folders.
- It will also appear in the Telegram Group name between you or your organisation and Avar.
- It appears in the subjects of all Emails, Voice Recordings and Telephone Conversation Recordings.
- Please ensure you quote this reference when sending us communication.