The following article is a guide to the SATR system applicable for 2021/22 tax year (2022 SATR).
The tax year 2021/22 is in relation to any income and expenditure for the tax year ended 5 April 2022, on which tax is payable by 31 January 2023 and if relevant, 31 July 2023.
The SATR needs to be filed by 31 October 2022 (paper copy) and online by 31 January 2023.
Avar endeavours to ensure that all SATR’s are filed well in advance of the above deadlines.
This article gives a brief outline to the way in which we deal with the execution of Clients’ SATR.
A Fair Cop
The idea, concept, approach and ethos go back to 1982, when the idea was first conceived, by Ashok Varma FCA, then continued, after the formation of Avar, in October 1984 and now for the first time, it has become, a reality.
The processes have been on “test” mode in the last 2 to 3 years and have now been fully implemented across the board for all Clients as at 1 April 2021.
As a repayment of the trust, loyalty and the confidence in Avar, this offer is available to every existing Client as of 1st April 2021 and to those Clients, in the future for the rest of their lives or the existence of Avar in its current ownership or control.
What is the Offer
All SATR’s will be completed by Avar for the year 2022 for a charge of only £?? (or the prevailing rate) (including VAT) to recover disbursements.
This is an Execution only service and no advice, tax planning or any consultancy is included.
The Fee is to cover direct costs such as:
No Tax Advisory or Consultancy work is included.
Any other additional work not stated in this schedule is excluded as part of this service.
Software licence Fees charged on a per client basis.
The above disbursement is optional and the Avar execution Fees for the service is offered for £0.00, however, you will not be covered for TiPS, if you choose not to pay.
In that instance, in the event of HMRC investigation, you will be charged at our standard charge out rates, on an hourly basis, at the prevailing rates OR be covered for PI cover.
Terms and Conditions
Such work should be offered to Avar first.
Our Fee Note for the disbursements will be issued immediately, settlement of which is required by credit card payment online.
Payment, should you wish to be covered by TiPS, must be made (as above) or at the latest, at the time the information is sent to us, but by no later than 31 July 2022, after which this special offer will lapse.
All information relating to your SATR must be received by 31 May 2022, where feasible except that which is agreed to be provided later.
Information must be complete in its entirety and any information still outstanding as at 31 May 2022, may be subject to an additional fee (where agreed).
The above fee does not include Property Accounts.
No other professional advisors or agents shall be appointed.
£500 (before 31 December) plus VAT.
£750 (in January) plus VAT.
The above fees are in relation to Personal Clients only. For Business clients, this service is included in your annual service package.
For further guidance and information, please contact a member of the Avar Team.