Some of Avar’s Clients have chosen our services for a good part of their life or are facing “Adversity” in this current, perpetually worsening economic climate.
In recognition of their loyalty, we would like to show our gratitude to our Clients by:
giving support free of charge, for selected services during their retirement and for the duration we are retained.
This is subject to Terms and Conditions and after agreeing to all the minutia.
This relates particularly to the completion of annual Self-Assessment Tax Returns.
Financial Adversity and Hardship,
For those who face “Adversity” or have special circumstances, for an agreed period:
no fees will be charged during financial recovery.
After which, fees may be charged on “Tab”
However, no moneys will be payable during this agreed period.
All conditions are subject to agreement.
We have taken this opportunity to also extend this offer to some Clients who have become victims be it temporarily, of the continuing hard financial realities of the current economic climate.
Special Circumstances:
This includes Clients who have served in the Armed Forces, Police Force, Emergency Services and certain other similar sectors.
Please telephone Ashok Varma FCA to determine your eligibility, confirm that it applies to you and your circumstances and/or agreement to the minutia.