The above-named Article describes “an overview” of the purpose to which the “substantive contents” will be continually “populated” and “grown”, on a regular basis making its functionality extremely powerful.
By its nature it is “dynamic” and it is recommended that a request be made for its update, where the last dated updated is greater than the last thirty working days.
Requirement to Download Bank Transactions
These form part of the primary accounting records.
Bank transaction are required in order to complete:
Statutory accounts (FACH, FAIR);
Monthly Management Accounts (MMA);
Preparation of VAT Returns.
They should be downloaded in .csv or Excel format.
These transactions can be populated onto the Accounts Boomerang.
They are also required to be downloaded in PDF format.
PDF enables bank accounts to be reconciled to the relevant period end date.
How Do I Download Bank Transactions?
This can be done via internet banking and users must be registered to do this.
See below links directly to the help section on the banks’ website.
The Avar Team can assist by remote login to your systems, with your permission, to help download.