Our Standard System and Procedure (External) arising from Standard Operating Procedure (Internal) is detailed in this article.
The transparency of communication policy is likely to be financially beneficially to all and it is for this reason everyone needs to understand the rationale behind the policies.
This standard communication policy is embedded as part of our condition of engagement terms.
If you require something that is more personalised, then it would be carried out albeit, at an increased cost.
Types & Frequency
How will All Post will be communicated:
By Telegram all the time (Free of Charge).
By Telegram and Email (occasionally) (Free of Charge).
By Email (more Frequently) (at agreed additional cost).
By Email only (at agreed higher additional cost).
These will generally be in PDF (where communication is by Telegram).
These PDF documents may be annotated where and if required.
Where not annotated, the documents will be “For you Information & Records”
Where action may be required it will say “Open, read and deal”.
Where specific action is required by you, then take the appropriate action within the agreed time parameters.
If unsure, communicate via Telegram and we will contact you.
Sometimes it will be in the form of locked excel files.
Where action may be required on the excel it will indicate what is required.
Urgent and Very Import:
This generally arises where Avar is used as a Registered Office.
Where legal time sensitive notices are served, they are add to the Unique Reference Number (URN) Telegram as soon as is practicable.
All urgent matters will be sent to you as soon as possible and may be followed up with a telephone call.
Very Important Post:
Generally Daily where deemed necessary.
Routine Correspondence:
Generally added to Telegram once a week with comments on the pdf.
Can sometimes be longer and at the least, monthly.
Your Responsibilities
Always open the pdf’s and read the comments made by Avar Team.
Deal with communication and correspondence on a timely basis.
Take action where required and where prompted by Avar.