The above named Article describes “an overview” of the purpose to which the “substantive contents” will be continually “populated” and “grown”, on a regular basis making its functionality extremely powerful.
By its nature it is “dynamic” and it is recommended that a request be made for its update, where the last dated updated is greater than the last thirty working days.
We have taken upon ourselves, free of charge to everyone, as “philanthropists” to ensure that we make businesses aware of the opportunities and dangers.
Primarily, as “Business Trusted Advisers” we are appalled to discover the lack of awareness by businesses and its owners in numerous areas, which could make them much more efficient and profitable.
The Campaigns are directed to people in business.
Business Awareness Campaign
This Campaign is intended to benefit you and your business in generating net increased income and avoid potential pitfalls leading to increased costs.
The biggest costs to the business are the cost of not knowing, making mistakes and not making “prudent” financial decisions.
We have over 35 years’ experience in the business, finance, accounting, tax, IT and consultancy.