This is a request for you to confirm that you wish to be added to our video review panel.
This has significant commercial value, but it will be sent free of charge, as will any subsequent consultation.
This is Avar’s gift of our knowledge, experience and expertise to society.
There are the following types of panel members:
- Technical Experts
- Others
Technical experts — These experts in their fields contribute to verifying, approving and enhancing the technical content.
Others – These are associates, interested parties, longstanding fans, and friends of Avar for the past 40 years.
We intend to send all panellists “Prelease Videos.” The password is “Preview” (case-sensitive).
If you are able to, please give your feedback and questions within 7 days.
The final version will then be released on YouTube, and you will be notified.
Participating in this review panel will inform you about the latest topics and changes in the UK Tax system, empowering you to make informed decisions.